Qualifications and experience

Internationally-recognised qualifications-

Following two years (1995-1996) of comprehensive, practical-based training at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, I was awarded a Diploma with distinction in Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Psychotherapy and NLP and an Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy. The training school and awarding body was British Hypnosis Research (BHR), established at Cambridge University in 1979. By the mid-1990s, the school was running training courses in over twenty hospitals and universities throughout the UK and abroad. To date, BHR has trained over 6,000 students from across the world and has gained widespread recognition in the medical and related fields.

Helped establish NVQs for hypnotherapy-

The current National Occupational Standards for hypnotherapy developed in 2002 are linked to the National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) established in the late 1990s. I was a member of the committee and steering group responsible for formulating the original NVQs which underpin much of the current hypnotherapy training in the UK.

Twenty eight years of medical-based and private practice professional experience-

Over the last twenty eight years, I have successfully treated thousands of adults and children for a wide range of emotional and physical problems. Much of the treatment has been carried out in NHS GP surgeries, where I have held regular clinics. I now practise privately on a weekly basis at Newton Abbot Community Hospital.

Hi Neville, 

Just wanted to let you know that you really helped me. The flight to Rome was fine after being delayed for 3 hours on the plane!! The journey back was fine; a little turbulence over the Alps and quite bumpy when we descended. But I did it all thanks to you. By the way Rome was amazing.

Thank you again. Female, 52

You too can benefit from my expertise and extensive experience. Phone me today on 01803 842 464 to find out how!

Neville Mundy BSc (hons), MSc, C Hyp, Dip EH P NLP, MFHT